Our Beginnings
The Blue Ridge Heritage Education Center emerged from “The Rocky Knob Project.” This was a bi-county economic enhancement project initially conceived by 9th District Congressman Rick Boucher in the 1990s, but delayed until 2005, when federal funding was again available.
Congressman Boucher assembled an advisory committee composed of nearly 100 Floyd and Patrick County residents to develop ideas for the project, to be built in the area of the Rocky Knob Recreation Area of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The committee invited participation from the citizens of Floyd and Patrick Counties, and after several years of grassroots input, proposed a series of project concepts.
An organization was established to carry the project forward, and
Blue Ridge Heritage, Incorporated
was established as a Virginia nonprofit charitable organization with federal 501(c)(3) status.
Links to Our Partner Organizations
Floyd County Tourism Office
109 East Main Street
Floyd, VA 24091